Sunday, September 22, 2013

Team by Lorde

I absolutely adore this song! I've been replaying this song over and over for the past day and a half!! 

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Hello all of you out there! My name is Katie and this is my very first post on this blog! Um, there is no real "objective" or "focus" for this blog. Mostly it will be me writing about various things that I come across or happen to like, or stories or "diary" entries. SHTUFF like that.
Um, today I will be starting off this blog with an About Me question and answer post so you all can get to know me a bit better..  (22 regular questions and 10 personal ones).
Here we go!

About Me:
Q- Do you have a middle name?
A- Yes, actually... I have two... Margrette and Louise.

Q- What is your favorite subject in school?
A- Crafts because i like to make things. It keeps me busy.

Q- What is your favorite drink?
A- Um, i don't think i really have- Wait. Yes! There is this amazing Aloe water drink thingy I buy at the convenient store down the road from me, it comes in many flavors, but my favorite one is the strawberry one..!

Q- What is your favorite song at the moment?
A- Team by Lorde!!

Q- What would you name your children.
A- If it's a girl, Anastasia Drew... Boy, I have not the slightest clue.. I find myself thinking more about girl names...

Q- Do you participate in any sports?
A- Yes, Cross Country.

Q- Favorite book?
A- I don't have a favorite book, but my favorite series at the moment is the Fallen series.

Q- Favorite color?
A- Mint green, or maybe sea foam green? There are so many different names for the color..

Q- Favorite animal?
A- My favorite wild animal is an Owl, my favorite domestic animal would be a cat.

Q- Favorite perfume?
A- I don't really have one... But i love light floral and fruity scents.

Q- Favorite holiday?
A- It's a tie between Halloween and Christmas..

Q- Have you been out of the U.S.A.?
A- Yes, i've been to Europe many times.

Q- Do you speak any other languages?
A- I'm actually in the process of learning German.

Q- Do you have siblings?
A- Yes, i have a younger sister.

Q- What is your favorite store?
A- Papaya.

Q- Favorite restaurant?
A- Basillico's

Q- Do you like school?
A- Um, i like seeing my friends and boyfriend.. And i enjoy my crafts class... but other than that... i suppose it's alright.

Q- Favorite movie?
A- Um, I don't have one..

Q- Favorite Tv Show?

Q- Pc or Mac?
A- Mac.

Q- What phone do you have?
A- I have a... Samsung Brightside. Very boring... I wish I had an iPhone.

Q- How tall are you?
A- 5'4!

Personal Questions:

Q- One thing in your closet you cannot live without?
A- My boyfriends jacket..

Q- What's one thing most people probably don't know about you?
A- Most of the time my room is a complete mess.

Q- Name one thing you have to do before you die.
A- Make a family...!

Q- What quote or phrase do you live by?
A- "Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put is directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us."

Q- What is your most listened song on iTunes?
A- Iris by Sleeping With Sirens (a cover) i played it 280 times...

Q- What kind of style would you define yourself as having?
A- Um, i'm not quite sure, i don't really think i have a definable style.. but I suppose it would have to be a Chic Indie style?

Q- Favorite number?
A- 7 or 21.

Q- Two Hobbies?
A- 1. I like to sing and play guitar...
     2. Arts and Crafts.

Q- Two Pet Peeves?
A- 1. I hate when i can hear someone chew. Oh my gosh, it drives me insane! If it's really bad I have to leave the immediate area or talk or make noise so i can't hear the chewing.. It makes it even worse if i can see the food they are eating... UGH.. I can't even think about it...
    2. When someone leaves the cap off of the toothpaste tube/container.

Q- Guilty Pleasure?
A- Hanging out and cuddling with my boyfriend.

So, there you are! Questions and answers to 32 questions!

Love, Katie.